Courses and Clubs
Winter Teen Art + History Course
Winter teen art plus history course will be a 11 class course once a week and run from Jan 24th-April 25th
This course is for students ages 12-18. Class is held Fridays from 10:30am-12:30pm at the High Prairie Library. Materials are provided by the instructor.
cost: $330
Student's will research an unsung hero from history and learn how to use art to tell that persons story. They will explore various media, improve their art skills, and be able to select the media they would like to use for their final art work. Their final artwork can be entered into the ARTEFFECT art competition with the chance to win prizes and have their art displayed in Washington DC.

Download the class schedule
To register, download the registration form, complete it and return to theartistinyourshoes@gmail.com or in person to LeeAnn Ostia with Payment.