One Art Springs
"The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance." ~ Aristotle

What does One Art Springs mean?
When I was searching for a name for my business I wanted something that would allow for the incorporation of all kinds of art as well as my photography. Anytime I have a conversation with someone about being an artist inevitably the first question they ask is, what kind of art do you do? To which I have always had a difficult time answering. While studying to be an art teacher I have had to learn all kinds of art. I love all art, I make all kinds of art. Beyond creating art my true passion is being able to inspire others to create the things they were meant to create. We all have some type of art within us, art is about communicating who we are and how we see the world. Art is also about seeing the world. One of my portrait drawing teachers from college once told our class, "the more you look at something the more you learn about it," and that has always stuck with me.
Goals for One Art Springs:
To create a space for connections and friendships within the homeschool community.
Create access to affordable options for art classes for single income homeschool families such as through the sketch and draw club as well as scholarships made possible through the sales of products.
Create courses for students (especially in the teen years) who are serious about art and who want help getting on course to propel them into art as a career.
To create courses that can integrate into other subjects for all ages and teach real art skills and the creative process.
To serve both homeschool kids and parents.
to be a peaceful creative outlet.
To help homeschool families to have their own time capsules of their children's growth through yearly fine art "school" portrait sessions.